
Returns a new function that can be called only after calling a specific number of times.

1. Code

 * Creates a function that delays the execution of the provided function until it has been called a specified number of times.
 * @param fn - The function to be called after a certain number of invocations.
 * @param count - The number of times the function needs to be called before it is executed.
 * @returns A new function that delays the execution of the provided function until it has been called a specified number of times.
const callAfter = <T, S extends any[]>(
  fn: (...args: S) => T,
  count: number
): ((...args: S) => T | undefined) => {
  let counter = 0;
  return (...args: S): T | undefined => {
    if (counter < count) {
      return undefined;
    return fn(...args);

export default callAfter;

2. Installation

npx @jrtilak/lazykit@latest add callAfter -ts

3. Description

The callAfter function is used to create a new function that can be called only after calling a specific number of times. Before the specified number of calls, the function will always return undefined without executing the original function.

4. Props



Default Value


5. Examples

import callAfter from ".";

const fn = (x: number) => x + 1;

const callAfterFn = callAfter(fn, 2);

const result1 = callAfterFn(1);
// Expected Output: undefined

const result2 = callAfterFn(2);
// Expected Output: undefined

const result3 = callAfterFn(3);
// Expected Output: 4 : as the function `fn` has been called twice already.